Danh sách các bài acm problems

ID NAME MÃ BÀI tài khoản: TỈ LỆ %
3835    Dã ngoại TOUR2509 7 13.64
3861    Laser Phones MLASERP 565 36.94
3865    Reljef RELJEF 27 66.67
3868    Total Flow MTOTALF 153 44.07
3876    Tablica TABLIC 220 62.79
3877    Cvjetici CVJETICI 213 66.20
3878    Rectangles Perimeter MMAXPER 1079 54.61
3881    Majstor MAJSTOR 342 67.38
3882    Cijevi CIJEVI 173 61.14
3885    Coins Game MCOINS 577 54.43
3889    Closest Number MCLONUM 261 27.99
3893    Space settlement SPACESET 76 30.03
3894    Bouncing Balls BOBALLS 4 66.67
3895    Matrix Game MTRGAME 3 30.77
3896    Maximal Independent Set MAXISET 9 39.13
3897    Convex Polygons CVXPOLY 16 32.14
3898    Even Palindrome PALDR 96 21.57
3899    Finding Fractions FINFRAC 56 25.08
3900    MinCut Query MCQUERY 6 28.26
3901    Black and White Nim BNWNIM 9 50.00
3902    Fight with functions FWFUNC 1 50.00
3903    Special Hashing SPHASH 0 0.00
3912    Color a tree MTREECOL 22 32.41
3929    Different Digits MDIGITS1 35 22.99
3930    Group Partition MPART 47 30.47
3931    Maximum Triangle Area MTRIAREA 170 33.96
3933    Minimum Permutation MMINPER 111 58.75
3935    SHIFT Operator on Matrix MMATRIX 164 52.92
3937    Wooden Sticks MSTICK 749 41.25
3942    Cleaning Robot MCLEAN 435 36.80
3943    Nested Dolls MDOLLS 969 26.23
3961    Journey with Pigs MJOURNEY 323 40.39
3962    ELEVATOR II MELE2 244 35.08
3972    Stargates STARGATE 3 25.00
3974    Another Tree Problem MTREE 572 38.71
3975    Most Servings Meal MKUHAR 136 38.80
3979    Whirligig number MZVRK 350 54.67
3981    Shortest Regular Bracket MBRACKET 28 52.11
3982    String problem MSTRING 203 65.47
4009    Naruto học máy tính NHPAINT 100 28.26
4010    Chặt cây OPTCUT 587 35.04
4021    Bipalindrome MBIPALIN 257 44.29
4034    Pizza Delivery MDOSTAVA 36 25.54
4038    Counting The Way of Bracket Replacement MREPLBRC 222 48.62
4052    Game MGAME1 31 38.82
4053    Card Sorting MCARDS 484 48.90
4062    Rob Mini-Safe MSAFE 78 60.57
4063    Sell Pigs MPIGS 26 51.52
4083    Tele Broadcast MTELE 46 62.50
4100    Sum of Vectors MVECTOR 53 34.36
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