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TWOOPERS - Hai thao tác trên chuỗi

Two operations on one string

John is given a string S. He is asked to do the following two operations in the given order to S:

  1. Choose one element of S, and replace it with any character he wants.
  2. Shift the string S, that means, he may choose a position k and shifts the whole string circularly so that k becomes be the first place of the new string.

John wants the result to be a specified string. It's up to you to tell him how many ways to transform S to a given string T.


  • The input consists of two strings S and T in a line. Each string contains at most 100000 characters. Only capital letters will occur in the strings.
  • It is guaranteed that S and T have the same length.


Only one number, the number of ways to transform S to T.




Output details
John can replace the first "A" with "A", or "H" with "H", etc. 
i.e. it is allowed to replace a chatacter with itself.
After that, there's one way to shift the string.



Output details
John should replace the first "V" with "M". 
After that, he has two ways to shift the string (k=1 or k=4).

Được gửi lên bởi:VOJ Team
Thời gian chạy:0.400s
Giới hạn mã nguồn:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Ngôn ngữ cho phép:Tất cả ngoại trừ: ERL GOSU JS-RHINO NODEJS PERL6 PYPY RUST SED VB.NET
Nguồn bài:VNOI Marathon '08 - Round 8/DivA
Problem Setter: Yang Yi

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2021-03-07 13:05:10
one hit không khó, bài này dùng Hash hơi dài nhưng khá dễ
2019-03-20 09:52:57
bài bảo chỉ thực hiện 2 thao tác kia 1 lần .. not vô hạn
2018-11-23 04:12:51
Z-function 1 hit AC 0.00s, code cho ai cần :
2016-08-27 21:19:37 even when you try to hurt me...
mình dùng z function. không biết có đúng k. các bạn bị 60 có ai biết sai chỗ nào k vậy? mình tìm mãi k ra.....
2010-03-05 11:44:42 Tran Manh Chanh Quan
limit khủng thế này QHĐ sao nổi trời.
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