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WINNER - Who is the winner

Having nothing to do, Bom and Cuoi invented a game as the following: there are N heaps of stones; the ith heap contains ai stones. Bom and Cuoi alternatively takes turn to play. Who has his turn may pick any heap of stones and remove some stones from that heap. The number of removed stones must be a divisor of the number of stones in that heap.

Who removes the last stone is the winner. Bom takes his move first.

Given the initial number of stones in each heap, could you write a program to tell who is the winner in this game (if both players play optimally)?


The first line contains N, the number of heaps.

The second line contains N positive integers separated by spaces described the number of stones in the heaps.


In the first line, print either the string "Bom" or "Cuoi" depending on whether Bom or Cuoi will win the game.

In case Bom can win, print two numbers "x a" in the second line meaning that, in order to win the game, Bom needs to remove x stones from a heap that currently has a stones. In case there are more than one winning moves, find the winning move that has the largest x. If there is still ambiguity, among the winning moves that have the largest x, find the winning move that has the largest a.


  • 1 ≤ N ≤ 105, 1 ≤ ai ≤ 109
  • There is 70% of the test cases in which ai ≤ 105


1 2 3

2 2

Output details: After Bom removes completely the heap of 2 stones, there remain two heaps of 1 and 3 stones. If Cuoi removes completely one of the two heaps, Bom will remove the remaining heap and win the game. If Cuoi takes one stone from the heap of 3 stones, Bom will take one more stone from that same heap. There remain two heaps, each heap has two stones and Bom will be sure of a win.

Được gửi lên bởi:Jimmy
Thời gian chạy:0.600s
Giới hạn mã nguồn:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Ngôn ngữ cho phép:Tất cả ngoại trừ: ERL GOSU JS-RHINO NODEJS PERL6 PYPY RUST SED VB.NET
Nguồn bài:VNOI Marathon 2009
Round 3
Problem Setter: Ngô Minh Đức

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2013-03-08 11:52:39 ♥_(decade_98)_ ♥
ko hiu
2013-02-20 03:43:51 hiepsieunhan
cho em hoi vs 1 dong minh dc boc 1 so la uoc so cua so soi co trong o do ban dau hay la uoc so cua so soi hien tai trong o do' ???(viet key cua e bi hong :( )
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